Glass Engraving.

Back to one of my favourite hobbies…glass engraving!

There is something about creating a handmade gift that makes me feel fulfilled and like I have accomplished something. I may not be the best (considering I only got the equipment April last year and haven’t done any since September) but I give it my best shot and I think they’re at least half decent for an amateur.

I’ve been working on a few glasses over the Easter Holidays and here is one that I did for a present for my friends birthday:

5 collection

How I got into glass engraving…

Well, I am always looking for new creative hobbies that I can try out, and last year I got the idea that I just HAD to try glass engraving. It pretty much came out of nowhere. I started off with a cheap engraver my mam had bought years ago and I found that this was something I’d like to continue. So, for my 21st I asked for a better glass engraver (yes, you read that right) and I meant just something a little better than the cheap one we already had but no… my parents thought it would be better to buy something that would last and I wouldn’t out grow in two seconds flat. My parents are clearly the best (I’m not biased at all). The actual device I use is very similar to a dentists drill. I wear protective glasses and noise cancelling ear protectors- I look like a style icon when I engrave… not.

So, not the typical present that people ask for, for their 21st but I love it! I’m extremely lucky.

To begin, I print out a design and put it behind the glass object (some times I just create my own designs like the one above) and then carefully draw it all on. Next, I use my engraver and that’s it. I don’t know how else to explain the process. Depending on what design I am engraving, the amount of time I spend on each object differs.

I’ve recently just got a special magnifying glass to help with the finer details. Happy days!7.JPG

Note: This picture shows the table being rather neat, this is not a true representation of how it usually looks when I engrave. Unfortunately, I have my parents table an absolute mess! A creative mess 😉

I was over the moon my friend liked her glass, and she has recently sent me a picture of it being used. Here it is:


I always worry that people won’t like my creations as there will always be minor flaws but that’s what makes each piece unique and full of character. At the end of the day, I enjoy creating and that’s the main thing.

Be creative!

Thanks for reading,




5 thoughts on “Glass Engraving.

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  1. Loved your blog. Being creative is awesome and so what if it’s not perfect, it’s unique and made with love.


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